Best Used treadmill for under 2K?
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Best Used treadmill for under 2K?

Sep 07, 2023

As of my last knowledge update in September 2022, I can provide you with some recommendations for used treadmills under $2,000. Please note that prices and availability may have changed since then, so I recommend checking current listings and reviews for the most up-to-date information. Here are a few reputable treadmill brands and models to consider in that price range:

  1. NordicTrack Commercial Series: NordicTrack is known for its high-quality treadmills. Look for models like the Commercial 2250 or Commercial 2450. These often have advanced features and strong build quality.

  2. Sole Fitness F80: The Sole F80 is known for its durability, advanced features, and overall quality. It's a popular choice for home users.

  3. Horizon Fitness T Series: Horizon offers affordable treadmills with decent features. The T202 and T303 models can be found within your budget and offer good value for the price.

  4. ProForm Pro Series: ProForm treadmills often come with interactive training options and are typically budget-friendly. Look for models like the Pro 2000 or Pro 5000. Also you may look ProForm Sport 6.0 PFTL5 Folding Treadmill.

  5. Life Fitness T3 or 95Ti Treadmill: While Life Fitness treadmills tend to be on the pricier side when new, you might find used T3 or 95Ti models within your budget. They are known for their durability.

  6. Precor 9.31: Precor is known for its gym-quality equipment. The 9.31 is a budget-friendly option that offers a good combination of quality and features.

When buying a used treadmill, make sure to:

  • Inspect the treadmill in person if possible to check for any signs of wear or damage.
  • Ask the seller about the treadmill's maintenance history and usage.
  • Check if the treadmill has any remaining warranty or service plans.
  • Test the treadmill to ensure it functions properly, including the motor, incline, and display.
  • Consider the space and transportation for the treadmill, as they can be heavy and bulky.