Ifit update in January Bricked Tons of Nordictrack and Proform Treadmills, Ellipitcals, and Exercise Bikes
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Is Your Nordictrack or Proform Ifit Console Stuck on Boot Up Screen? Here's what we know.

Mar 18, 2023

It's Saturday Morning, you had a tough week and you want to gets some miles and decompress... WTH!!?  What is going on with my New State of the Art Nordictrack with Ifit???!!!!  In short, it's most likely "Bricked".

First what does "Bricked" Mean?  According to Urban Dictionary, it means; "To render your computer useless, as useless as a brick."  Actually, a brick is more useful than a dead Nordictrack because at least you can use brick to build a retaining wall or keep a door open, I digress.

Aww man, this Sucks!!  Yeah we agree. Ok, you've processed this, and smoke is coming out of your ears. You're not alone, there are 7.3k members in the Ifit subreddit talking about their bricked machine.  We get 5 calls per rep per day daily sometimes more, suprisingly, alot of people are still waking up to this "situation". Now what the hell I can do?

Here's where it gets tricky. I think Icon Health and Fitness, the parent company to your beloved Nordictrack, Proform, Ifit Machine will make good on this situation.  We are an Icon parts dealer and have had personal conversations on this topic, ultimately it's a good company with good people in it.. 

There are two sticking points though. 
1) In warranty replacement lags: Time to get consoles right now, as a result of this issue is 8 weeks or more.  Yeah, like you needed another reason to not use your machine, LOL...  Unfortunately you will have to wait, it's that simple or find one and buy it but they are damn expensive.  To that last point, sometimes we have new old stock, but even that's depleted... and still expensive.

2) Here's where we enter into a thick mist.  Where they clearly bricked that console with said update, and you are outside of the parts warranty...  This is where I don't know what's going to happen...  I'm not saying they won't step up, It's just will they on technicality rely on warranty "fine print" to maybe wiggle out, not sure...  For those that are cool with point - 1) and are also in the category of this point - 2)  You may want to look at some consumer protection options - we see class action lawsuits forming over this issue - Here.  For the record alot of warranties are either 3 years on parts, 1 year labor... or on premium machines 5 years parts, 2 years labor.  Check your owner's manual on or offline.

3) This point is for our sake, if you buy a console from us, turn off wifi updates please!  We are not at fault if you brick another one because you didn't know...  We did not make the update or ifit or console or nordictrack or proform machine so keep the f bombs on the phone to a minimum.  Scratch that eliminate f bombs, we just sell parts man.

Youtube link: https://youtube.com/shorts/mg76eaoiJsw

If you have any wizardry solutions to this issue please let our phone tech know

at 847-309-2818 
or email