Precor Error Code 28 Electronics Temperature Too High
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Precor Error Code 28 Electronics Temperature Too High

Mar 03, 2022

Applies to Treadmills


Error codes 27, 28, and 29 overview, see 27, 28, 29 Overview

Issue symptoms (Error 28)

Treadmill motor controllers monitor the temperature of the motor controller output switching device. Typically, these motor controllers use a fan to force cool the output device’s heat sink. This error indicates that the heat sink temperature has exceeded maximum. The most common cause of this is a clogged cooling fan or heat sink. Lesser causes include an inoperative cooling fan, a defective lower PCA or a faulty drive motor.

Troubleshooting steps

  1. Check the cooling fan on the motor controller to ensure the fan is not clogged with dust.
  2. Thoroughly clean the fan and ensure it spins freely.
  3. As with Error 27, check the belt rating or current, and replace bed and belt as needed.
  4. Replace the lower board.
  5. Replace the drive motor.