Precor Error Code 42 Lift Position Out of Range
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BLOG Details

Precor Error Code 42 Lift Position Out of Range

Jan 16, 2022

Applies to All machines with a Lift Motor

Issue symptoms

The software on the lower PCA(Printed Circuit Assembly) expects the A/D(analog to digital converter) value from the lift potentiometer is within a certain range, low to high. If the A/D value goes outside this range, an Error 42 will be displayed. The most likely cause of this error is the motor moving further than it should or jamming against the housing. A loose connector or a damaged potentiometer inside the motor assembly will also cause this error.

Troubleshooting steps

  1. If the lift motor has drifted too low, disconnect the motor from the lift assembly and adjust the jack screw until the motor is in range. Perform the appropriate lift motor calibration procedure. If the motor continues to drift low, replace the motor.
  2. Inspect the lift motor connector, verifying the pins are secure in the connector. Attach the connector to the lower PCA and ensure that it is locked into the header.
  3. Enter Diagnostics, Machine Test, Incline or Crossramp test. Run the lift all the way extended and back to minimum. The A/D number should climb and decrease smoothly during the test. If not, replace the lift motor.
  4. While in the Incline or CrossRamp® test, scroll to Glitches, and operate the lift from min and max incline. Glitches are anomalies recorded by the lower board during lift movement, indicating a possible or existing problem with the internal potentiometer or the gear lift mechanism. Very few if any glitches should be recorded. If greater than 50 glitches are recorded during a full movement to either extreme, replace the lift motor.
  5. Defective A/D potentiometer:
    1. Defective A/D potentiometer connections can cause a mix of Error 40s (lift not moving), Error 42s (lift out of range), and/or Error 45s (lift moving in wrong direction) event. An Error 45 is almost always an indication the potentiometer has a bad internal motor connection. It is possible that the error log (or event log) will fill with Error 40s and 45s when it was actually a single event. Even after the cause of an Error 40 and 45 event has stopped, these errors will continue to be logged until the treadmill power is cycled OFF/ON. Error 42 will clear if the lift goes back within range limits. If the lift remains in an out-of-range condition, the error log will continue to fill with error 42s with use. Replace the lift motor if these conditions are confirmed.
    2. The lift motor calibration will remain set to factory specification unless the lift motor has been replaced. If the machine exhibits an out-of-calibration condition (e.g., the treadmill incline level is set to 0 but the running deck is not level) and the lift motor has not been replaced, it is most likely caused by defective A/D potentiometer connections. Replace the lift motor if these conditions are confirmed.