Stairmaster Steppers 4400CL Alternator Replacement Procedures
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Stairmaster Steppers 4400CL Alternator Replacement Procedures

Feb 24, 2023

1. Remove the bottom cover, Mark (by color) the location of each wire attached to the alternator. Remove the wires from the alternator.

2. Loosen and remove the alternator adjusting bolt on the slotted brace. Remove the Poly-V belt. Inspect the belt for wear and replace the belt if it is cracked, cut or is otherwise damaged.

3. Loosen and remove the nyloc nut from the alternator post. Remove the alternator from the frame.

4. Revise the removal procedures to install the new alternator. Be sure to verify the wiring against the Final Assembly Diagram.

5. Pivot the alternator up or down as necessary to allow 1/4" (0.6 cm) of belt deflection with finger tip pressure at the center of the vertical portion of either side of the belt.